National Chocolate Covered Anything Day + Why We're Glaze-Free

Today is an important national holiday celebrating one of the most profound discoveries to have ever happened within the food manufacturing industry: yummy edibles such as dried fruits and nuts could, in fact, be made MORE delicious by coating them in chocolate. We think it's safe to say, when that became an actual thing, the world improved significantly. We think it's safe to say, when that became an actual thing, the world improved significantly. All joking aside, we are in fact happy to celebrate the day today, and are taking the opportunity to highlight our amazing chocolate covered treats from Rawmio!

These treats are unique in a few different ways. Firstly, every single one of our ingredients were hand selected and sourced with care. When you bite into our Chocolate Covered Sweet Cherries, you will be wowed by not only our handcrafted raw chocolate, but also the fresh and flavorful quality of our perfectly chewy-sweet cherries.

Not only is our chocolate organic and raw, we also use zero glazes in the making of our treats - another fact that makes us stand out in the confections industry. What IS confectioners glaze? Confectioner's glaze, also known as pharmaceutical glaze, resinous glaze, pure food glaze and natural glaze, is used in the food industry to create that shiny, tell-tale candy-coated sheen. But get this - it also shows up in other, less likely places. Shockingly, it's used in the hardware industry, as an ingredient known as "shellac" - a chemical secreted by a type of Asian scale insect (yes, you read that right), used to seal and varnish floors and also coat over the counter drugs and pharmaceuticals. It was even used to make vinyl records back in the day. Not so "candy-coated" after-all, and definitely not something you want anywhere near your mouth.

Choose Rawmio and enjoy National Chocolate Covered Anything Day the way nature intended - glaze free!

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