5 Ways Rawmio Chocolate Loves You Back - Way #1 // That Mind-Body Connection

Have you ever gifted someone you care about chocolate as an expression of your love? Most of us can affirm that we have - and while it might just seem like the classic, fool-proof thing to do (who doesn't love chocolate?!), there is actually science behind why chocolate has remained synonymous with love throughout time, and why eating a little chocolate each day might actually be doing your body and mind a world of good.

In celebration of upcoming Valentine's Day, this week on the blog we're highlighting 5 different ways raw chocolate loves you back. Today's theme: That Mind-Body Connection.

While processed, sugar and dairy-laden chocolate is a common comfort food, research shows that going for dark (and preferably raw) chocolate does more than just feed your taste buds, it also feeds your brain. While cacao contains over 300 different chemical compounds, there are several that have an incredible effect on our neurology. Compound phenylethylamine (PEA), a chemical that our adrenal glads naturally create during times of excitement, is found also within cacao - the base ingredient of chocolate. This chemical reacts with our neurology and can quicken our heart rate, increase focus, and mimic that happy fluttery "on cloud 9" feeling we experience when we fall in love. Anandamide, known as "the bliss molecule" triggers the release of endorphins, elevates the mood, and can even bring on a sense of euphoria. Sounds like true love to us!

Find Rawmio's artisan-crafted, stone ground raw chocolate - including barks, mini truffle cakes, chocolate-covered treats, and hearts - in our shop for up to 25% off now through Valentines Day 2/14. Order $100 dollars or more and get a FREE raw chocolate bark of choice. Keen on a specific flavor? Leave us a note in the customer notes section at checkout. We offer free shipping over $49.

Shop the retail sale HERE!

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